Sunday, June 7, 2009

Open Source Software.

I am a proponent of free and open source software. I enjoy not having to pay Microsoft several hundred dollars for my own copy of office when I can get comparable software for free. I had to make a decision when I bought my new computer if I wanted to get the windows software for Word, Excel, Power point. I decided that I didn't want to put down the money and I would just Open Office. This program is pretty much Identical to the older versions of Microsoft office except that it is open source and free to use. It works remarkably well and is compatible with the windows version of office. It is updated regularly and has better features then the windows version because the design team is diverse and keeps it up to date. I recommend this for anyone looking to save a few hundred dollars on their next office software purchase.

The other open source piece of software that I recommend people try out is Ubuntu, which is an open source operating system that is built of off Linux. My computer originally came with Windows Vista but I found vista to be synonymous with fail. I didn't want to get completely rid of my windows though because it still has it's entertainment uses as a game platform. So I decided to dual-boot vista with Ubuntu. I used this guide to help me do it because it was my first time. I feel that the Internet connection application is more stable then vista. I felt like it was more intuitive and faster over all. The way that it updates is also more efficient then windows. You just click the updater and it shows a list of all the updates and you can install them with out restarting. Updates are also released with a greater frequency then vistas.

Overall I find that when ever I can find free software to use it is worth it. It saves me money and helps me keep an efficient computer. One must always be wary of what you download though because there are fake programs that contain viruses and malicious code.

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