Sunday, June 7, 2009

Contribution Model.

I have recently seen a rise in the type of websites on-line where you can contribute your own stories and videos too. The Internet is different from others types of media because anyone who has access to it can contribute to it. For example this blog post that I writing is an example of how the Internet is truly the masses media. I have with only access to the Internet created several posts on various topics for free and anyone on-line can also read what I have said. No other form of media has ever had this ability before everyone can share and their own stories and point of views. There are many websites out there that take this principle of letting the user tell their story and they have become quite popular because of it.

One of the most popular is a website called F My Life. This is a website where people can submit stories about the bad things that have happened in their life. Many of these stories are very humorous and ironic. Readers can then agree with the poster and say that there life is indeed F'd or they can rate it down and say they deserved it. I find this site to be pretty addicting and a great time waster. It's good for reducing my productivity, it should however be R rated though haha.

Another website where users can submit there own pieces is Texts from last night. This is a website where users submit their texts from the night before or just funny texts that they have sent or received. A lot of these texts are pretty raunchy but are still funny never the less. The website is very popular among college students.

Post Secret
is another website but this one is slightly older and more recognized then the two previous ones. People send in anonymous post cards of their deepest secrets and then these post cards are displayed on a website and the best of them have been published in a book.

These three websites are just an example of how media driven by anonymous submittal is widely popular on the Internet. They are just for entertainment but I know there are other ways in which this sort of public work can be used for good, such as in message boards and such.

1 comment:

  1. I love all three of these sites. They are really interesting and good time wasters as you said.

    I think FML is a great example because it is a quick and easy way to vent ironic and hilarious things that happen to you thus sharing them with the world.

    Post Secret is a great way to anonymously share things you need to get off your chest. It is a way to say things you can't tell people, no one will know who you are.

    And Texts from Last Night is just hilarious. It is funny how many strange text people get. I know I have gotten some very strange ones.

    It is really interesting that these sites have developed because it is like an extension of what people do in RL. They tell their friends the ironic things they encounter, they tell their closest friends secrets, and they share texts.

    Now they can do it all online too with an added amount of privacy.
