Friday, June 5, 2009

Google Applications

I did my final web project on Google and in this project I partially went into some of the good things that Google has done concerning applications. These applications are the way of the future in terms of computing. The way things are right now is that you will have programs installed on individual computers. This leads to problems when you can not access these programs from any computer or access the documents that you have on this particular computer. Google is leading the way with Internet applications and this has Microsoft running scared because they are weaker in Internet based computing. Whats going to happen as these applications keep improving is that you will have basically an on-line computer profile that you can log into from any computer and load your applications. Google has already started doing this with Google documents which allow you to type up papers and do basic spreadsheet work using an on-line application. A few years ago in 2007 Microsoft was considering buying yahoo in order to bolster this weak area of their company. The deal did not go through I believe because Google opposed it and others opposed it because of monopolistic reasons. As applications are the future and Google is leading the way with 'free' ones let me tell you in my opinion about the more useful ones that they offer.

First off one of my personal favorites is Google translator. This small but powerful tool is free and accessible by clicking the more page on and selecting translator. It works in many different languages and can translate to and from English. The translations are not always perfect but I definitely recommend this a quick and easy solution when you need to translate something.

Google Documents is a free and mobile word processing application that Google offers and is accessible by choosing the more button on This is a basic word processor/spreadsheet application. One of the most powerful uses of it though is that you can have other people come in and edit the on-line document directly with out having to send them a copy. This helps speed up projects that need to be a collaborative effort.

These were only a couple of examples of the many great applications that Google offers. Web based applications are the way of the future and Google already has a nice head start on the competition.

1 comment:

  1. that's really cool, I didn't know that google had an application site.
    I really think that microsoft should be worried, especially with things like open office gaining in popularity. It's free and it works on a mac and a pc. it's basically the same as word.
    I think that soon with open soucre peole will be unwilling to pay for applications.
